Foster Media Literacy

Identify the media literacy outcomes for your DSA


Action: Recreate table from DSA planner and consider  adding criteria from the media literacy rubric

Media Literacy and Analysis

Continue to focus on your learning outcomes, this time with an emphasis on media literacy.


Rate the statements in the following table by adding one bold X in each row, considering the importance of media literacy with respect to the learning outcomes for your course.


After completing my DSA, students will be able to:


1 =
Not important


2 =
a Little important


3 = Somewhat important


4 =


5 =
Very important


Identify insightful questions to answer in digital stories


Identify relevant, culturally appropriate media assets for digital stories


Create or select an audio soundtrack to enhance understanding of a digital story’s topic


Create or select an audio soundtrack to evoke certain emotions during a digital story


Use economy of detail to effectively communicate through digital storytelling



media literacy rubric B2a

Media Literacy rubric B2b