
Common Export Formats: MP4, M4V, or MOV

To share your finished digital story or presentation, you need to export a new, self-contained file from your editing software. Once you export your video file you can publish or post the file somewhere online that you can give others access to your finished product. 


YouTube icon

Set the video to Unlisted - this means that only those that have access to the link to your video will be able to view the video. The video is not searchable on Google or YouTube.

Create your UMN YouTube Channel 


Google Drive icon
Google Drive

Set the video to Unlisted - this means that only those that have access to the link to your video will be able to view the video. The video is not searchable on Google or YouTube.

Use Google Drive to Store and Share Media Files


If you need help, look up a tutorial online - there are many to choose from!